One of the most important questions that anyone can ask is why. Why does this happen? Why do we do x and not y? Why do I believe this? Why do we exist?
I've always been a curious person. I feel that that word describes me more than anything else. Throughout my entire life, I've wanted to know why about a lot of things. From "why do we have female cheerleaders for male-centric sports but not male cheerleaders for female-centric sports?" to "why do I need Jesus?" I go all over the place. And sometimes, I drive people crazy while doing so.
See, people don't like it when you ask why. They don't like having their principles called into question. For some, it feels like an attack on their person. For others, they never really thought about it before and don't like the sudden upheaval. For still others, they just don't like answering questions and the list goes on. We've even crafted a special answer to pesky questions like why. "Because I said so." And everyone uses it at least once in their life with or without kids.
Here's my point: question everything.
An ideology that you're not allowed to question is the most dangerous ideology there is. For one thing, if you don't analyze opposing arguments, you can't strengthen your own. And a person who doesn't know why they're doing what they're doing can be easily swayed off course. For another thing, you can dismiss anyone who doesn't agree with you fairly easily, but what do you do if you're wrong? I'm sure you've read the stories. A girl/guy in love with a shady individual dismisses multiple warnings from helpful sources and flings himself/herself into danger that could have been avoided if he/she had listened to reason. Everyone needs a nudge from time to time. And no one is above reproach. Not even the guy writing this right now.