My name is Jordan Edwards. I am a red-belt in Taekwondo. I obtained this belt from years of study at a dojo. A red belt is only three belts below the rank of black belt. I obtained the ranking of Excellent while competing in a tournament. That is an accomplishment.
My name is Jordan Edwards. I was a student. I had a 3.4 GPA. My transcript included two C's, seven B's, and thirteen A's. My music teacher told the whole class I was his favorite student. My business teacher told me I had a bright future. My Spanish teacher told me she loved me very much and attempted to enter me for a Best Student Award among the whole school. And my English teacher loved my essays so much she decided to use them as examples for all of her future students. I have successfully graduated with honors from college and obtained my associate's and bachelor's degrees. I managed to get on the Dean's List during one of my semesters These are all accomplishments.
My name is Jordan Edwards. I am a writer. My work has been described as artistic genius, one individual requested a paid commission from me, other writing teachers have commented on how good a storyteller I am, I have a fanfiction profile online with sixty-one followers and a total of 44 THOUSAND views and 450 likes on the four stories there so far. One of them was briefly in the featured box for the entire site. The only thing keeping this one from branching out further is that I haven't published anything yet. But Lord Willing, that will change. These are all accomplishments.
Why am I listing all these accomplishments? To remind myself of how far I have come already. See, a lot of times Satan tries to make me feel worthless by reminding me of all my failures and shortcomings. Some of which I've listed in other posts. But by drawing attention to these things, I can fight back. Through the Lord's grace, I have achieved so much already; and through his grace, I will do more still. I will graduate, I will get my English Major, I will publish a story, and I will write a novel. How can I be so sure?
Because my name is Jordan Edwards. And I get things done.