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Songs to Live By: This is the Stuff

Writer's picture: Jordan EdwardsJordan Edwards

Ever feel like whenever you've finally gotten your act together, a bunch of distractions pop in out of nowhere? Maybe your car suddenly breaks down. Maybe the faucet leaks. Maybe you get sick without warning. All those little distractions can build up into a giant avalanche that sweeps away all of the progress you're making.

Now, distractions alone aren't the problem. Sometimes, stuff happens. That's life. But in the midst of all the chaos and cacophony, it's easy to lose track of what's important in the heat of the moment. Francesca Battistelli manages to capture that experience in her song "This is the Stuff."

I lost my keys in the Great Unknown. And call me please, cause I can't find my phone.

I refer to days like these as "Domino Days." Where one bad thing happens, which leads to another bad thing happening, which leads to another bad thing happening, and so on and so forth. One instance of this had me getting stuck in traffic on the way to work due to a five-car pile-up, which caused me to be almost two hours late for work, which caused me to hurt my back due to being in the car for so long, which caused me to have work performance so poor that I had to leave early. At that point, I just wanted to eat something and calm down before I exploded. So I can relate to Francesca quite a bit here.

Rather unconventionally by music standards, the song shifts right into the chorus after only two lines.

This is the stuff that drives me crazy. This is the stuff that's getting to me lately.

In the middle of my little mess, I forget how big I'm blessed.

Just like how Peter took his eyes off of Jesus and sank into the briny deep, it's easy for us to get so distracted by everything we're going through that we forget about God and his guidance. But God is here for us just as much in the little moments as he is in the big ones.

This is the stuff that gets under my skin. But I have to trust You know exactly what you're doing. Might not be what I would choose, but this is the stuff you use.

One of the best things you can do when you're stressed out is eat and drink. Because that releases serotonin in the brain to reduce stress. So when I had my bad day a while back, I stopped at Wendy's to try and curb myself before I exploded. When the attendant took my order, he asked me how my day was going. When I told him everything that had happened, he actually paid for my food. That one act of kindness turned my whole day around. I was so relieved and touched by what he did. I consider that a nudge from God. His hand is still moving no matter what I feel.

45 [mpr] in a 35 [ zone]. Sirens and fines while I'm running behind.

Deadlines are also stressful. And the stress they cause can seep into the rest of your day. It's important to manage your emotions to keep them in control. And don't forget to breathe.

After the chorus repeats, we come to the bridge of the song.

So break me of impatience. Conquer my frustrations. I've got a new appreciation. It's not the end of the world.

The world isn't going to stop turning just because you left your wallet at home. Bad days happen to everyone. And life is just too short to let some minor inconveniences ruin it, even multiple ones in a row. Sometimes, you just need to take some time to recover, dust yourself off, and keep going. You still have people that love and care about you, and a God that has you on his mind. And they'll last longer than any mild inconvenience ever could. So count your blessings and remember what's really important. And you'll get through little by little.

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1 Comment

Adrian Ilaga
Adrian Ilaga
Oct 05, 2023

Wow, this is a really good song. Thank you for the recommendation. Especially touched by the line "this is the stuff you use". God very much often uses difficulties, big or small, to shape us to who He wants us to .

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